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This post was initially created because I'd seen that somebody Quote Retweeted a cool fanmade Chapter 4 animation and said something along the lines of "at this rate, you guys are going to be disappointed by the REAL game." This is stupid for two reasons. One: because it's an idiotic way (and a very Twitter way) of responding to someone's artwork. It pits it against the piece its a fanwork of, and creates a sense of competition between which is better. Never do this. And two: because most Deltarune Chapter 3-7 fake leaks are not accurate.

The most interesting thing—to me—about fake Deltarune Chapter 3-7 screenshots is that they're all styled after Chapter 2 and that chapter's Cyber World, as if that was anything like Chapter 1 and its Card Kingdom. There's this need to apply Chapter 2's design sensibilities to every other chapter, instead of creating something new. For instance Queen and King are in no way similar in their presentation. King, who you don't meet until your final battle with him at the end of the chapter, and Queen, who taunts you the whole way through the chapter she's from, are very different. So, it's always very weird to me to see that people immediately jump to the notion of "oh, the Chapter 3 boss will be like Queen" as if the Chapter 2 boss was anything like King.

There's also this feel to look towards what else might be patterns, like how Noelle and Berdly join the fray in Chapter 2, so the guess is that all of the classmates will find themselves in each Dark World moving forward. (This theory is likely backed up by the fact that, in Queen's Mansion, several of Kris' classmates have their own rooms, but that clearly feels like just a computer joke about each of them having their own log-ins for the library computers, complete with search histories.) Like, I see a lot of people putting Jockington or Catti into Chapter 3, when, realistically, it would be Toriel, Officer Napstablook and/or Officer Undyne, like Chapter 2's cliffhanger suggests. They are honestly the most realistic to expect coming into Chapter 3, yet I've seen barely any of them mentioned in online discussion.

Okay, now let me backtrack. Do I think Deltarune fans should stop speculating? No! Do I think they should stop making fanworks about the unreleased chapters? Also no! But fan works are never going to be accurate. This post is directed entirely towards users like the ones Quote Retweeting Deltarune fan animations with competitive callouts. To any fan-artists reading this post—in whichever form you come—don't limit yourself. Make something awesome. Because your fanworks aren't going to be accurate to the actual game's future chapters, and that's more than okay. Enforcing accuracy in fanart was never the endpoint of this post. That'd be an idiotic and creatively limiting stance to take. This post was not created to shit on the brilliant work of the artists, composers, animators and writers in the Deltarune fandom. It's brilliant to see all of their work through social media. The endpoint of this post was reminding Deltarune fans that we'll still be surprised by what Toby and his team release. The endpoint of this post was simply to dissuade posts, reblogs, replies, and Quote Retweets like the one that sparked this entire post.

"DELTARUNE, Fake Leaks, and the Reaction to Both" from

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April 18th, 2024 - 17:00 EST